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aim.imgcheck Version 1.0

We are no longer making updates to AIM version 1.0 . WebPurify AIM version 2.0 offers more categories and simpler billing.

Use this method to submit a photo to the WebPurify Automated Intelligent Moderation (AIM) Service. A percentage probability (0 – 100) that the submitted photo contains the categories you choose will be returned in real-time. Images that are at least 300px by 300px will return the most accurate results, however the minimize image size accepted is 50px by 50px.

api_key (Required)
Your API key.
imgurl (Required)
Full url to the photo you would like moderated.
format (Optional)
Response format: xml or json. Defaults to xml.
cats (Optional)
A comma separated list of the AIM categories.
pf_api_key (Optional)
Link a WebPurify Profanity Filter to your AIM request to check OCRT text for profanity .
customimgid (Optional)
A custom ID you wish to associate with the photo that will be carried through to the callback if your photo is sent to the live team. (max: 65,000 characters)

Supported Categories:

  • Nudity: Detects Full and Partial Nudity
  • WAD: Detect Weapons, Alcohol, Medical Drugs
  • Offensive: Detects Offensive Symbols, Flags, and Gestures.
  • Gore: Detects presence of gore and graphic violence.
  • Celebrities: Detects Celebrities.
  • Text: Detects if text has been added to a photo (ie Memes)
  • OCR: Returns any text characters in the image. Use in combination with PF_API_KEY parameter to check the text for profanity.
  • Faces: Detects presence of face, gender, probability of a minor, and sunglasses.
  • Scam: Detects presence of images associated with internet scams (ie: “catfish”) .

Example: cats=nudity,wad,offensive,gore,celebrities,text,faces,ocr,scam

Example Request[your_api_key]&format=json&method=webpurify.aim.imgcheck&cats=nudity,wad,offensive,gore,celebrities,text,faces,ocr,scam&imgurl=[webpurify_profanity_api_key]
Example Response
	"rsp": {
		"@attributes": {
			"stat": "ok"
		"method": "webpurify.aim.imgcheck",
		"format": "rest",
		"categories": "8",
		"weapon": "0.6",
		"gore": "10",
		"alcohol": "0.1",
		"drugs": "0.1",
		"scam": "2.32",
		"nudity": "10.6",
		"nuditypartial": "1",
		"nuditysafe": "88.4",
		"celebrities": [{
			"name": "will ferrell",
			"prob": "89"
		}, {
			"name": "wallis clark",
			"prob": "28"
		}, {
			"name": "long john baldry",
			"prob": "25"
		}, {
			"name": "peter scolari",
			"prob": "20"
		}, {
			"name": "jacques dufilho",
			"prob": "20"
		"faces": {
			"female": "46",
			"male": "54",
			"minor": "3",
			"sunglasses": "3"
		"artificialtext": "99.9",
		"naturaltext": "19.98",
		"offensive": "1",
		"ocr_text": "holy crap that's kind of a big deal",
		"ocr_profanity": "1",
		"ocr_profanity_words": "crap",
		"api_key": "[your_api_key]"
Error Codes
100: Invalid API Key
The API key passed was not valid.
101: API Key is inactive
The API key passed is inactive or has been revoked.
102: API Key was not included in request
This method requires an API Key.
103: Not a valid URL
The submitted URL is not valid.
104: Unsupported format
AIM only accepts JPEG, PNG, WEBP and multi-frame GIF Formats.
105: Unable to locate photo
The URL returned a 404 or an photo was not found.
106: Out of Requests
Out of Requests, Please refill.
107: Photo too small
Photo should be at least 50 pixels in height or width.
108: Undefined category name
A category name that we do not support was provided.
Example Error Response
	"rsp": {
		"@attributes": {
			"stat": "fail"
		"err": {
			"@attributes": {
				"code": "108",
				"msg": "Undefined category name"

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