A profanity word management method. Returns the custom block list of the associated license key.
(Required)- Your API application key.
(Optional)- Response format: xml or json. Defaults to xml.
(Optional)- Set equal to 1 to wrap the listed words in <![CDATA[ ]]>
Use this if you plan on passing strings that may break XML (ie “<” and “&”). ds
(Optional)- Set equal to 1 to show which of the block list items have “deep search” turned on.
Example XML Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <rsp stat="ok"> <method>webpurify.live.getblocklist</method> <format>rest</format> <word>word1</word> <word>word2</word> <word>word3</word> <api_key>api_key</api_key> </rsp>
Example XML Response with ds=1
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <rsp stat="ok"> <method>webpurify.live.getblocklist</method> <format>rest</format> <word ds="1">word1</word> <word ds="0">word2</word> <word ds="1">word3</word> <api_key>api_key</api_key> </rsp>
Error Codes
100: Invalid API Key
- The API key passed was not valid.
101: API Key is inactive
- The API key passed is inactive or has been revoked.
102: API Key was not included in request
- This method requires an API Key.
103: Service currently unavailable
- The requested service is temporarily unavailable.
HTTP 503
- You have exceeded the number of simultaneous requests for your license.
Please go to: https://www.webpurify.com/pricing to see the limits for your license.