In an interconnected world, every breaking news event reverberates globally in real time. As tragic and violent incidents are increasingly shared live, UGC platforms face an immense challenge: how can they act swiftly, responsibly, and ethically?
WebPurify’s team has expertly managed over 38 widely shared violent events over the past decade, 71% of which have occurred in the last four years – and now they’re sharing their expert insight with you.
Our eBook, “The Challenge of Moderating Harmful Content in Real-Time,” is now available for everyone to read. No email sign-up needed! Simply click here to access.
In this eBook, you’ll find:
- The WebPurify Crisis Response Playbook
- Expert insights from Josh Buxbaum, Co-founder of WebPurify, and Alex Popken, WebPurify’s VP of Trust & Safety
- Actionable tips for anticipation and real-time response to post-crisis support and debriefing
- How to prioritize mental health for both users and moderation teams