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Gaming Parents of Video Gamers

Are you a parent concerned about the impact of video games on your child? Do you lead a team within the gaming industry and are interested in parents’ perception of video games and risks they pose to children? You’re not alone. WebPurify’s latest report, “The Multiplayer Family: Parents of Gamers” explores the evolving landscape of video gaming, what parents have observed in this regard, and the effects on today’s youth.

What’s Inside?

  • Insights from more than 1,000 American parents who are gamers themselves
  • The changing dynamics of in-game content and interactions
  • Real concerns parents have about harmful content and player-to-player interactions
  • Actionable steps parents are taking to protect their children, including what would make them limit gaming time or take away certain games

Why It Matters

  • Understand the shift from native game content to user-generated content within games as the primary source of concern and harm
  • Learn what parents are doing to manage and moderate their childrens’ gaming experiences
  • Get insights on the tools and controls parents wish developers included in their products, providing more options when it comes to making gaming safer for their kids.

Download Now

Don’t miss out on this critical data that sets the record straight on the impact of today’s video games on children. Click here to download the full report and arm yourself with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your child’s gaming!

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