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Hiding behind the Net: The Anonymous Bully

Starting the first sentence of an article with “in the old days” reminds me of my grandfather, who by the way never took a “selfie” in his life. Anyway, in…


How Puma and The New England Patriots Could Have Prevented Their Auto Tweet Brand Fails

Last November, the New England Patriots were feeling good – the team had a record that would eventually lead to the Super Bowl (which they won, by the way) and…


The Lesser Known Internet Dangers Your Children Are Being Exposed To

“It’s not uncommon to see, really, two and three year olds becoming quite fluent with using a touch tablet or a touch device. So by the time they turn 6,…

Image Moderation, Profanity Filter, Video Moderation, UGC

5 Reasons User Generated Content is the Holy Grail of eCommerce

by Tom Schwab We’ve all heard of the benefits of using content as a strategy to grow, engage and convert visitors to loyal customers.  It seems like Google reinforces the value…


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