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The Solution to Deepfakes Remains Unclear

  While the aim of leveraging artificial intelligence is to make operations efficient and insightful, there are undoubtedly more nefarious applications of this fast-advancing technology. Deepfakes, one such application, present…

Video Moderation, UGC

Taking Advantage of Social Media Contests

  In 2007, Facebook and Twitter laid the ground work for social media contests by introducing features like Fan Pages and hashtags, respectively. However, contests put on by brands didn’t really…

Image Moderation, Video Moderation, UGC

How to Avoid Litigation from User-Generated-Content

  User-generated content (UGC) is a popular marketing method for a lot of reasons. It’s affordable, it allows brands to produce fresh content, customers trust it, and – perhaps most…


There’s No Rewind

Recently, YouTube users discovered some horrifying pieces of content, once again highlighting the risk of user generated video, and more broadly, the guarantee that the totality of the human condition…

Video Moderation, UGC

Our Custom Moderation Process: How We Define Rules and Standards for New Clients

Custom moderation standards and criteria are dependent on the unique needs of each client. Where the moderation line gets drawn is reflective of individual brands’ audience and culture. Take a…

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Online Harassment: Who Does it Affect, and How?

In our September newsletter, we discussed the Momo Challenge, a disturbing “game” circulating on social media sites, threatening members with the release of personal information unless the member completes a…

Image Moderation, Profanity Filter, Video Moderation, UGC

Five Tips and Tricks for Content Moderation

1. Know your audience. The more you know about your users, the more you can hone your specific moderating criteria. You may have a niche market with unique needs. Our…

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How does UGC moderation work?

Take a seat in the moderator’s chair and consider the four photos above. A client has given simple instructions for UGC moderation: images must contain a dog. Which photos should…

Image Moderation, UGC

Facebook’s Content Moderation Policy: Our Summary and Opinion

For the first time, Facebook is making public its internal guidelines for content moderation and policy. The 27-page document details how the company defines hate speech, violence, nudity, terrorism, and…

Image Moderation, Video Moderation, UGC

How WebPurify Works with Content Managers

We’re just going to say it loud and proud: WebPurify was a pioneer of online moderation. When we first launched the company in 2006, we were the only player in…

Image Moderation, UGC